Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
Mike Pence to be first Vice President ever to address national March for Life crowd.
Trump Chief Strategist Steve Bannon shreds New York Times and media in interview with…..the New York Times.
Trump wants 20% tax on Mexican imports to pay for the Wall.
More liberal hate. “Avengers” Director calls Trump’s daughter Ivanka a dog.
Dallas High School teacher uses fake gun to mock assassinate Trump while saying “die” ……during class.
News Hour Guest Interview: Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck to discuss how the Michigan Legislature is reacting to Trump.
Rest of the Show…….
Guest Interview: Investigative Journalist Ann McElHinney to discuss her book about the post-birth abortionist, Dr. Kermit Gosnell called “Gosnell”.
Guest Interview: World Net Daily Founder Joseph Farah to discuss his latest book “The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians and the End of the Age”.
Movie Reviews: Rod Gustafson of to discuss what’s happening in the movies this weekend from a family friendly, Christian friendly perspective.
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