Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Report: Comey knew of additional e-mails in early October.
Op-ed: Hillary has only herself to blame.
Report: FBI investigation into Clinton Foundation appears bigger than most knew.
Hillary at campaign rally claims she was in New York during 9-11. Ummm, Politico reports she was in Washington D.C. that day.
Early voting numbers in Florida favoring Trump so far.
Ted Cruz actually campaigning for Trump now.
As Obamacare open enrollment starts, Trump and Pence pledge to “repeal and replace”.
Pew Research Poll shows Trump supporters more tolerant, Hillary supporters more intolerant.
News Hour Guest Interview: David Bozell, President of For America to discuss how social media is affecting the election.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Chip Ingram to discuss his book “The Real God” about the common misperceptions we have about God.
Other Issues Discussed….
I continued a series on the mixing of politics and Christianity.
Guest Interview: Dr. Tom Phillips, author of “Jesus Now” to discuss the ways God is active and moving in the world today.
Other Issues Discussed….
With the election Tuesday, I examined some false perceptions about the two main Political Parties as it related to poverty and economic policies.
I also shared several scripture verses to encourage listeners who are stressed and anxious over the election.