Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Some Democrats expressing frustration with Hillary’s dishonesty regarding health issues.
Hillary’s Campaign Manager refuses to answer whether he knew Clinton had pneumonia.
Hillary’s V.P. Refuses to say whether he knew she had pneumonia.
Is Hillary’s V.P. Making a pitch to replace Hillary?
Trump says unless Hillary retracts entire “deplorables” comment, she can’t “credibly campaign any further”.
Trump backers capitalizing on Hillary’s “deplorables” comment with merchandise.
Gary Bauer points out how Democrat President’s banned various immigrant groups.
News Hour Guest Interview: Dr. Charles Dunn, Professor of Government at Clemson University to discuss Hillary’s health issues.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pat Roy, Director of Genesis Apologetics to discuss their new survey of Millennials who give the things about Evolution they are most convinced is true.
Guest Interview: Pete Briscoe of the “Telling The Truth” radio broadcast to discuss anxiety among Christians regarding this election.
Other Issues Discussed……
Chinese factory replaces workers demanding higher wages…..with machines.
Massachusetts Pastors could end up in jail with state’s new “anti-discrimination” law.
Guest Interview: Dr. John David Trentham, co-author of “Practical Family Ministry” to discuss how families can better raise their kids to not walk away from the faith as adults.
Open Line Topic: We discussed the 1954 Johnson Amendment and a new poll showing most Christians oppose pastors endorsing candidates from the pulpit.