Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I analyzed last night’s Republican Convention and speakers.
Will Ted Cruz endorse Trump tonight during his Convention speech?
Media obsessive coverage of Melania Trump’s alleged plagiarism “scandal”.
Republican Party Plank officially adopted by Convention Delegates is strongly conservative.
News Hour Guest Interview: Rich Noyse, Director of Research for Media Research Center to discuss the media’s coverage of the RNC Convention.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Historian Mark Will-Weber, author of the books “Drinking with the Republicans” and “Drinking with the Democrats” to discuss how presidents throughout history have viewed the issue of alcohol.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I talked with Robin Sullivan to discuss this being her last day at WMUZ and reflecting on her 33 years of ministry.
Ghostly image in photo at fatal motorcycle accident goes viral.
Guest Interview: Biblical Counselor and radio host June Hunt to discuss her book “Conflict Resolution: Solving Your People Problems”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Poll: Most Evangelicals will vote for Trump as the “lesser of two evils”.