Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Another police massacre in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 6 cops shot, 3 dead.
Cleveland Association President says Obama has “blood on his hands”.
Sheriff David Clarke schools CNN’s Don Lemon on the B;ack Lives Matter movement.
Speakers schedule for the Republican Convention that starts tonight.
Ghostly image in photo at fatal motorcycle accident goes viral.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Professor of Economics Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo to discuss his book “The Problem With Socialism”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I discussed with Jan, my producer her 11th anniversary today with the show.
I shared some of my thoughts (and concerns) with the new “Pokemon’ Go” craze.
Guest Interview: Dr. Mark Dutton, author of “What God Can Do With An Idiot” to discuss how God uses normal people that make mistakes.
Open Line Topic: I took calls from listeners to share their thoughts on Pokemon’ Go.