Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Baltimore cop found not guilty in Freddie Gray’s death.
Virginia Democrat Governor investigated by FBI, connected to Clinton Foundation donations.
CNN op-ed supports Baltimore cop’s aquittal.
Hillary Clinton refuses Fox News debate invitation Bernie Sanders agreed to.
Poll: Most Americans say Trump should release tax returns.
Report: Obama regulations have cost businesses $100 million.
Gallup: Republicans paying closer attention to election than Democrats.
Obama names transgender “woman” (man) to White House Faith Based Advisory Council.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy Graham to discuss her latest book “The Daniel Prayer”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I discussed the Facebook controversy regarding their suppressing of conservative views by sharing a viral post of mine that was removed after 1.6 million views.
Rob Bell says he doesn’t use the word “Christian”.
Former child actor Elijah Wood suggests Hollywood has rampant child sexual abuse being covered up, but then backtracked.
Guest Interview: Pastor John Dickerson, author of “The Great Evangelical Recession” to discuss the declining nature of true Biblical Christianity in America.
Other Issues Discussed……
Study shows connection between faith and porn.
Louisville newspaper cartoonist depicts NRA as crucifying little children on a cross.
Tennessee Sheriff in legal battle with atheists over Facebook post about Jesus.