Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Trump meets with Paul Ryan and GOP establishment leadership.
Hillary claims FBI only conducting a “security inquiry”. FBI Director: No we’re not. It’s an investigation.
Hillary collects $75,000 in donations from Justice Department employees.
Washington Post reports Donald Trump’s 19 year old crude comments to Howard Stern……on Page 1, as though it’s new news.
Amazon and Washington Post CEO having 20 investigators digging for dirt in Trump’s past.
Trump refuses to release his tax returns.
Politico story on Evangelical demands on Trump VP pick.
Investigation finds Clinton Foundation to be a “Charity Fraud”, ABC, NBC, CBS refuse to report.
News Hour Guest Interview: Media Research Center’s Research Director Rich Noyse to discuss Facebook suppressing conservative stories.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Tim Challies, author of “Visual Theology” to discuss how God used and uses visual imagery to convey his truth.
Guest Interview: Dr. Julia Rivers to discuss natural, holistic remedies for Peripheral Neuropathy as well as Auto Immune Diseases.
Other Issues Discussed…..
With today being the anniversary of my daughter’s death, I shared some thoughts on the times when it seems like God doesn’t make sense as well as some thoughts on my daughter’s life.