Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Ted Cruz wins all 14 Wyoming Delegates Saturday.
Poll: 62% say to give nomination to Trump, even if he comes up short of the 1237.
Hillary actually criticizes CNN debate moderators for not asking about abortion.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Dr. Marcus Warner, author of “Rare Leadership: 4 uncommon Habits For Increasing Trust, Joy and Engagement in the People You Lead”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Bill Maher says churches should be taxed for making children “stupid”.
AMC Theaters CEO backs down on plan to allow texting during movies to accommodate Millennials.
Cirque Du Solei cancels North Carolina shows…..but plans shows in Dubai, where gays are executed.
Guest Interview: Best selling author and women’s leader Sheila Walsh to discuss her latest book “The longing in Me: How Everything You Crave Leads to the Heart of God”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed the new Ark Encounter set to open in Kentucky by Ken Ham and debated his policy that all employees must declare Jesus as Savior as a requirement for employment.