Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Ted Cruz picks Carly Fiorina for V.P.
Trump mispronounces African nation of Tanzania.
Former Speaker Dennis Hastert sentenced to prison.
Obama’s Department of Justice now calling convicted criminals “justice involved individuals”.
Will Ferrell to star as Ronald Reagan in movie mocking his Alzheimer’s.
News Hour Guest Interview: Media Research Center Staff Writer Katie Yoder to discuss the Networks refusal to report the Congressional investigative hearings into Planned Parenthood’s selling of baby body parts.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: National Security expert Dr. Sebastian Gorka to discuss his book “Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War”.
I thoroughly debunked the dishonest claims and Straw Man arguments used in this op-ed criticizing the AFA petition signers for their boycott of Target stores over their transgender bathroom and dressing rooms policy.
List of Christian friendly alternatives to Target stores.
Study shows faith friendly films make massive money.
Guest Interview: Christian/Jewish relations expert Pastor Don Finto to discuss his book “Your People Shall Be My People”
Other Issues Discussed…..
Scientists discover bright flash of light emitted from a woman’s egg at the moment of conception.
I gave more scientific evidences for the Bible’s truth with scientific Biblical statements that weren’t yet discovered at that time.