Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 03 – 23 – 16

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Election results from yesterday.

Jeb Bush endorses Cruz.

Flashback: In 1980 at this time, Reagan was down 15% in polls to Jimmy Carter.

Israeli group AIPAC apologizes for 18,000+ crowd loudly cheering when Trump said it’s Obama’s “last year”.

Brussels ran ad campaign refuting claim they are a terrorism target.

Trump calls for waterboarding after Brussels attack.

Cruz calls for police patrols of Muslim communities.

Hundreds of liberal protesters use Nazi imagery at AIPAC to protest Trump.

Latina restaurant owner having her business threatened by liberals after appearing on stage with Trump.

Lena Dunham says liberals way more hostile than the “right wing”.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..

Guest Interview: Dr. Kenneth Gentry, author of “As It Is Written: The Genesis Account, Literal or Literary?”

Other Issues Discussed…..

Michigan Department of Education proposal to let children go to bathroom, locker room of their “gender identity”.

Guest interview: Hope For the Heart Founder June Hunt to discuss her book “Trials: God’s Refining Fire”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

With Easter this Sunday, I continued my 3 day series on the logical arguments and historical evidences for the resurrection of Jesus.

One thought on “Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 03 – 23 – 16

  1. Sandra Foutner

    I am a born again Christian and I strongly oppose this law. This is indecent, immoral and biased against persons who do not wish to share bathroom use with someone who was born male but chooses to identify as a female or vice versa and wants to have access to bathrooms, locker rooms, etc. of the opposite gender. Where will this perversion end? How much sexual perversion and indecent activity will we allow our children to be subjected to? With homosexuality and other various perversions running rampant America has become a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah and The Lord Jesus Christ will judge America for her sins. Read Genesis chapters 18 and 19. Your gender identity was given to you at birth.

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