Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Israel under more terror attacks from Palestinians.
Israel victim of terrorist attack, Obama administration blames Israel.
Police raid abortionists home, find 14 plastic containers of aborted babies in his car.
Poll: 60% say Hillary has been dishonest about Benghazi.
Lesbian CNN commentator equates conservative Christians to radical Islamists.
University of Pennsylvania professor calls Dr. Ben Carson a “coon”.
News Hour Guest Interview: Linda Harvey, Founder and President of Mission America to discuss Rev. Albert Mohler’s comments saying the Christian Church has “sinned against the LGBT community” by supporting “conversion therapy”.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Robert Fraser, author of “Doombusters: Eight End-Time Myths Debunked”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I examined and challenged Joel Osteen’s comments in a Christian Post interview where he said Christians need to not debate people of other faiths in an effort to try to convert them.
Guest Interview: Joe Battaglia, author of “The Politically Incorrect Jesus”.
Other Issues Discussed……
High School football coach to defiantly pray at game.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on ISIS terrorists crucifying a 12 year old boy in front of and with his pastor father who refused to renounce Jesus and convert to Islam.