Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Joe Biden considering presidential run.
Black Democrat Congresswoman says GOP candidate Scott Walker is “literally tightening the noose around African Americans”.
NOAA: Hurricane drought hits record 118 months.
More Detroiters buying and carrying guns.
Ohio GOP lawmakers considering banning abortion for Down Syndrome.
News Hour Guest Interview: Jan Markell, Founder of Olive Tree Ministries to discuss the current state of Obama’s Iranian Nuclear deal.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Professor Mark Bauerlein, Editor of “The Sate of the American Mind” to discuss how Americans are becoming more and more narcissistic and and non-thinking.
Other Issues Discussed……
Satanic Temple of Detroit rallies support for Planned Parenthood.
I also examined some of the contents of the latest Planned Parenthood video released.
Denver City Council stalls Chick-Fil-A approval for airport location because of personal views of it’s CEO.
Yet more archaeological evidence confirming the accuracy of the Bible.
Guest Interview: Sherry Gore, author of “The Plain Choice: A True Story of Choosing to Live an Amish Life”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I launched a new series called “Culture vs Scripture” to examine the differences between what culture tells us is true compared to what the Bible says.