Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Trump poll numbers go up after debate, Megyn Kelly “blood” comment.
Fox News calls truce with Trump.
Trump reveals ISIS strategy.
ISIS makes prisoners kneel on buried bombs they detonate.
Bernie Sanders pulls in 27,500 in LA crowd.
“Little House on the Prairie’s” Melissa Gilbert running for U.S. Congress for Metro Detroit.
News Hour Guest Interview: CEO and conservative writer J.P. Moran to discuss how the GOP can attract Millennial voters.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Garland Tucker III, author of “Conservative Heroes: 14 Leaders Who Shaped America from Jefferson to Reagan”.
Other Issues Discussed……
Couple dies in New Mexico desert, 9 year old son survives.
New campaign to legalize human – robot marriage.
Guest Interview: Matt Mikalatos, author of “Into the Fray” to discuss his recreating the Book of Acts in today’s contemporary society.
Open Line Topic: We discussed Target stores removing blue/pink color themes and gender labels from their toy department and other sections.