Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Justice Department gets Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server, finds “Top Secret” classified info.
EPA under fire for Colorado river toxic pollution disaster.
Why mainsteam media is downplaying EPA toxic river disaster.
Inconvenient truths about “Black Lives Matter” movement.
Bernie Sanders beats Hillary Clinton in new NH Poll.
Bernie Sanders calls for “every public college in America to be tuition free”.
Trump slips in new Rasmussen poll.
News Hour Guest Interview: Matt McReynolds, Senior Staff Attorney with Pacific Justice Institute to discuss their legal challenge to California’s ban on anti-gay therapy.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Best Selling “5 Love Languages” author Dr. Gary Chapman to discuss his latest book “Anger: Taming a Powerful Emotion”.
Liberal, Pro-choice columnist says Planned Parenthood videos might turn him pro-life.
Guest Interview: Debt Proof Living Founder and Publisher Mary Hunt to discuss her book “Live Your Life for Half the Price”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I examined and debunked the belief of some that the Bible is “sexist” and that God devalues women in His Word.