Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Trump denies he made a menstruation comment about Meghan Kelly.
GOP candidates attack Trump for “blood” comment.
Carly Fiorina goes after Trump for “blood” comment.
One year anniversary of Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri produces vigils, protests, violence and shootings.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Maegan Roper, author of “30 Days of Hope for Restoration in Infant Loss”.
Other Issues Discussed……
Carly Fiorina opposes mandating maternity leave.
Black Pastors ask Smithsonian to remove Margaret Sanger bust.
Guest Interview: Mike and Haley Jones, authors of “At Any Cost” to discuss their adopting of 8 siblings from Sierra Leone.
Open Line Topic: In light of the GOP debate and Donald Trump’s “blood” comment about Megyn Kelly, we discussed a Washington Post poll that shows Trump is leading among Evangelical Christians.