Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
GOP candidates debate last night on Fox News.
Liberal Media reporting how harsh Fox News was on debate candidates.
Trump leads among Evangelicals.
Obama refuses to retract comparing Republicans to “Death to America” Iranian hardliners.
Democrat pundit Kirsten Powers USA Today op-ed on Planned Parenthood.
News Hour Guest Interview: Lt. Colonel Andrew “Rocky” Raczkowski to discuss last night’s GOP debate.
Rest of The Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Dr. Ryan Anderson, author of “Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom”.
Guest Interview: Dr. Sandie Freed, author of “Faith After Failure”.
Movie Reviews: Rod Gustafson for a review of weekend movies from a family friendly, Christian friendly perspective.
Facebook Friday: Reading on air a selection of listener comments on various issues and topics from the week.
Free for All Friday