Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Iran (and Obama) get their nuclear deal.
2016 candidates weigh in on Iran nuclear deal.
News Hour Guest Interview: Army Reserves Lt. Colonel Andrew “Rocky” Raczkowski to discuss the Iranian nuclear deal.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Jeffrey Robinson, author of “Satan: As He Wants to Be Seen” to discuss his claim that the Bible doesn’t really say Satan is a fallen angel.
Other Issues Discussed….
Man threatened with arrest for holding up “John 3:16” sign at sporting event.
Boy Scouts move closer to allowing gay leaders.
More scientists say we’re headed for another Ice Age.
Supreme Court allows substandard abortion clinics in Texas to stay open during appeal.
Guest Interview: Mark Tooley, author of “The Peace That Almost Was” to discuss the Peace Conference of 1861 that almost averted the Civil War.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on Iranian nuclear deal and whether this is a good or bad thing.
De todas formas, el tratamiento para la depresión tiene que comenzar con hablar con su médico y buscar a un terapeuta especializado.
La impotencia sexual, a pesar de no ser un problema de salud que acarree riesgos de vida, puede traer consecuencias indeseables en la vida personal del paciente, influyendo en sus relaciones y en su autoestima, pudiendo, incluso, llevar al paciente a la depresión. El proceso implica el “endurecimiento” prematuro e inusualmente severo de las arterias.
Este problema pode ser tratado através da utilização de medicamentos, como Viagra ou Cialis, ou usando chás preparados com plantas medicinais. Y si, esto sigue incrementando la líbido, subiendo nuestras ganas de sexo.