Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 07 – 07 – 15

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

5 Time deported Illegal Immigrant murderer says he chose San Francisco because it was a “Sanctuary City”.

Donald Trump statement about the controversy surrounding his illegal immigrant statement.

Why did mainstream media allow Hillary’s humiliating “corral roping” to take place?

Youtube censors Ray Comfort’s new movie trailer.

Pregnant woman’s demand of $1 Million to keep her from aborting exposed as a hoax.

News Hour Guest Interview: Senior Editor Barbara Hollingsworth to discuss a new poll on media bias.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..

Guest Interview: Pastor Charlotte Gambill, author of “The Miracle in the Middle” to discuss how to grow and learn during the mid-way points in our lives.

Other Issues Discussed….

I completed my series on dos and don’ts for communicating and debating more effectively.

Guest Interview: Peter Rosenberger, author of “Hope for the Caregiver” to discuss the issues and challenges of being a caregiver.

Open Line Topic: A discussion on a pastor’s campaign to get churches to fly the Christian flag above the U.S. flag.

3 thoughts on “Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 07 – 07 – 15

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