Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I analyzed many aspects surrounding the South Carolina AME church mass shooting.
South Carolina church gunman captured.
Joe Biden says Global Warming skeptics “deny gravity”.
Brian Williams to stay at NBC, but lose anchor’s chair.
Donald Trump says Bill Clinton the best of the last 4 presidents.
News Hour Guest Interview: Dan Gainor with Media Research Center to discuss the media coverage of the South Carolina AME church shooting.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Gregory Slayton, author of “Be a Better Dad Today: 10 Tools Every Father Needs”.
Other Issues Discussed….
I gave an update on our “Props to Cops” campaign and discussed the unique challenges law enforcement has to face.
What the media won’t tell you about the D.C. Gay Pride parade.
Guest Interview: Bryan Bishop with Youth for a Mission, author of “Boundless” to discuss how Christians of different cultures worship Jesus.
Open Line Topic: We discussed all the different aspects of the South Carolina AME church massacre.