Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Governor Rick Snyder signs religious protection Bills on Christian adoption agencies.,4668,7-277–356932–,00.html
NYT ignores Obama’s 15 unpaid parking tickets over 3 years while hammering Rubio’s 4 traffic tickets over 18 years.
Op-ed with stats that show the average “rich” household works 5 times more than the average poor household.
News Hour Guest Interview: Dan Gainor with Media Research Center to discuss Jerry Seinfeld’s comments that colleges are becoming too politically correct.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Rabbi K. A. Schneider, Messianic Jew and author of “Self-Deliverance: How to Gain Victory Over the Power of Darkness” to discuss demonic attack.
Other Issues Discussed….
I gave an update on our “Props to Cops” campaign and discussed the unique challenges law enforcement has to face.
Gay Army General introduces his “husband” at Pentagon “Gay Pride” event.
Poll: 60% of weekly churchgoers oppose gay marriage.
Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist calls transgenderism “mental disorder”.
Mr. T says he’s a Christian.
Guest Interview: George Marlin, author of “Christian Persecutions in the Middle East” to discuss the history of Islamic persecution of Christians up to today.
Guest Interview: Former Evolutionary Scientist, now Creation Scientist and president of Creation Worldview Ministries to discuss the latest story about blood and collagen being found in yet another dinosaur bone.