Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Man, angry at police, shoots up Dallas Police Headquarters.
Dallas police shooter hated religion, wanted to shoot up “schools and churches”.
CNN anchor refers to police headquarters gunman as “brave and courageous”.
Hillary going after the rich in her campaign.
Former Jet, Ebony Editor on white Rachel Dolezal’s black “racial identity”.
Transgender MMA “female” (really male) fighter seriously injures (real) female fighter in women’s match.
Bill Clinton blames Baltimore riots on “people walking around with guns”.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Larry Wilson to discuss the Rose Publishing book “Jesus” about the basics of who Jesus truly was/is.
Other Issues Discussed….
I gave an update on our “Props to Cops” campaign and discussed the unique challenges law enforcement has to face.
I also gave more information from my new “Anchoring Your Faith” series.
Guest Interview: Dan Baumann, author of “A Fresh Look at Fear” to discuss his time being beaten and tortured for his Christian faith in an Iranian prison.
Open Line Topic: A discussion of Franklin Graham boycotting Wells Fargo for running a national TV commercial featuring a lesbian couple.