Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Patriot Act provisions expire.
Joe Biden’s son dies at 46.
Obama has worst 1st Quarter Economic growth average in history of GDF growth records.
Anti-Muslim event organizer now in hiding from death threats.
Time Magazine publishes painting of Virgin Mary smeared in elephant feces.
News Hour Guest Interview: Founder of the Jalbery-Kelly Financial Group, Russ Jalbert to give analysis on the current economic state of America.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Dr. Gary Burge, Professor of New Testament and author of “A Week in the Life of a Centurion” to discuss the lives of Roman soldiers 2000 years ago.
Other Issues Discussed….
Op-ed: How to be Miserable as a Christian.
JFK’s comments on God.
Guest Interview: Andy Braner, author of “No Fear in Love: Loving Others the Way God Loves Us”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed WMUZ’s June promotion of Law Enforcement called “Props to Cops”.