Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Hillary talks in slight southern twang with a southern audience.
Hillary again plays “equal pay” card against Republicans.
Rubio warns there is a “Clear and Present Danger” to Christianity in the U.S.
Problems with the “Paycheck Fairness Act”.
News Hour Guest Interview: Terry Jeffrey, Editor in Chief for to discuss Obama’s Executive Amnesty being halted by the Courts.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Christopher Thoma, author of “The Angel’s Portion” to discuss Christians drinking whiskey.
Other Issues Discussed….
California Assembly passes Bill forcing pro-life pregnancy centers to post local abortion services.
Guest Interview: Pastor Jonathan Storment, author of “Bringing Heaven to Earth”.
Open Line Topic: We took calls for Dr. Tami Powell, director of the Oxford Recovery Center about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.