Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 04 – 09 – 15

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev guilty of all counts.

South Carolina shooting causing uproar.

Rand Paul fights back at biased Today Show interview questions.

Rand Paul fires back at Wolf Blitzer on abortion question: “Why don’t you ask the DNC if it’s okay to kill a 7 pound baby in the uterus”.

Now referencing Hillary Clinton as “Hillary” is “sexist”?

News Hour Guest Interview: Investigative Reporter Lauretta Brown to discuss Obama wanting to national ban all “gay conversion therapy” for minors.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..

Guest Interview: Professor of Theological Studies Dr. Michael Svigel, author of “Exploring Christian Theology: Volume Two” to discuss the basics of Creation, Sin and Salvation.

Guest Interview: Dr. Tami Powell, Director of the Oxford Kids Foundation to discuss helping children and families who can’t afford treatment.

Additional Issues Discussed…..

Woman charged with Felony cruelty to animals charge for killing goldfish.

University of Michigan cancels showing of “American Sniper” because of Muslim complaints.

Guest Interview: NYT Best Selling author Jon Acuff to discuss his new book “Do Over” about how to take our life experiences an start fresh again in life and career.

Other Issues Discussed….

Oldest person in world is Inkster, Michigan lady.

Op-ed about Robert E. Lee’s Christian faith and praying for the North during Civil War.

Obama’s pilot saw UFO. Says “virtually all pilots” have.

4 thoughts on “Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 04 – 09 – 15

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