Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Murderer of 3 Muslims a liberal atheist.
Obama attacks Staples Office Supply.
Staples fires back at Obama for his insult of them.
Obama claims he didn’t lie about his gay marriage position.
Congress approved Keystone Pipeline deal, setting up Obama veto.
SPLC removes Dr. Ben Carson from it’s “Extremist” list.
By Obamacare’s own standards, 115 million have “unaffordable” healthcare.
Pennsylvania Middle School students given “50 Shades of Grey” Puzzle.
News Hour Guest Interview: Barbara Hollingsworth, Senior Editor for to discuss the FEC considering regulating online political speech.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Dr. John Dickson, author of “A Doubter’s Guide to the Bible”.
Guest Interview: Tiffany Davis to discuss National Hearth Health Month.
Other Issues Discussed….
Florida student “disciplined” for saying “God bless America”.
Guest Interview: Former Muslim terrorist Walid Shoebat to discuss Christian persecution in the Middle East.
Guest Interview: Denise Shick, author of “Understanding Gender Confusion”.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on the “50 Shades of Grey movie and why so many women (including Christian women) are drawn to these books and the movie.
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