Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 09 – 17 – 14

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Obama sends 3000 troops to fight……Ebola.

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson gets political.

Study: Conservatives and liberals smell different.

GAO: Obamacare funding abortion on demand at taxpayer expense.

NFL makes Washington Redskins QB turn “Jesus” shirt inside out before TV interview.

School orders Christian teen girl to remove “Virginity Rocks” T-shirt.

News Hour Guest Interview: Robert Romaro with Americans for Limited Government to discuss Congressional approval for military force in Syria.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..

Guest Interview: Michelle DeRusha, author of “50 Women Every Christian Should Know”.

Other Issues Discussed……

College football team forced to remove cross stickers from helmets commemorating killed player.

Prayer returns to Capital Hill.

Penn State removes Bibles after decades because of atheist group’s complaint.

Guest interview: Pastor Jonathan Dodson, author of “The Unbelievable Gospel” to discuss how to more effectively evangelize in today’s postmodern society.

Open Line Topic: A discussion on “The Satanic Temple” opening a new Detroit Chapter.

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