Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Senator Ted Cruz goes on anti-Obamacare marathon filibuster speech “until I am no longer able to stand”.
Media ignoring gay authors investigation showing Matthew Shepherd was actually killed by his gay lover.
Iranian President blasts U.S. In U.N. Speech.
Obama tells U.N. Official he hasn’t had a cigarette “in 6 years”.
How the Liberal Media is Misleading You About Food Stamp ‘Cuts’.
News Hour Guest Interview: Scott Goodwin of Goodwin & Scieszka to discuss him being named one of the country’s best attorneys.
Guest Interview: Clarke Forsythe, Senior Counsel: “Americans United for Life” and author of “Abuse of Discretion: The Inside Story of Roe v Wade”.
Guest Interview: Julie Lamphier and David Sanders, Directors of the Attuned Mind Brain Life Center to discuss Brain Wave Optimization technology.
Guest Interview: Pastor Kevin DeYoung, author of “Crazy Busy” to discuss how Christians can better manage their time.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on the marathon filibuster-type speech Tea Party Republican Senator Ted Cruz gave for 21 ½ hours against Obamacare.
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