Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
CNN accuses RNC of “bullying” media.
CBS Touts Study Showing Obama Most-Joked About; Skips Decades of Anti-GOP Barbs.
White House defends “Al Qaeda on the run” quote.
Florida school officials defend textbook’s pro-Islamic propaganda.
Outspoken Public Schools defender Matt Damon sends kids to private school because public schools “not progressive (liberal) enough”.
Rest of the show……
Guest Interview: Connie Meisgeier, author of “Mint Condition: to discuss how God can repair broken lives.
An examination and debunking of the false claims in the Reza Aslan Bestseller “Zealot” which claims the Gospels are fiction.
Guest Interview: Dr. Paul White, co-author with Gary Chapman of “The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace”.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on a study showing Christians tend to not make it into high level executive positions.
Just wanted to say LOVE your show and being an example on defending the faith.
Would absolutely LOVE it if podcasts were available to catch the whole show from start to finish after it airs. Would be fun to share and spread the word that way too!
Thanks again man for all you do!