Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Thursday 05 – 23 – 13


Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

BBC: London machete terrorists yelled “Allahu Akbhar”.

U.S. Admits for first time Drones killed 4 Americans.

Fox News Poll: Most Americans think White House knew about IRS targeting.

Now 3 Labor Unions, including Teamsters, want Obamacare repealed.

Poll: Most Americans want to go back to pre-Obamacare system.

News Hour Guest Interview: Ralph Reed, Chairman of the Faith & Freedom Coalition to discuss IRS targeting of Conservatives.

Rest of the show……

Guest Interview:Greta Emling, author of “Wounded, Trapped and Voiceless” to discuss the true case of a woman “brain dead” who woke up and remembered being awake during her coma.

An examination of Pope Francis’ comments about atheists who do “good deeds” being “redeemed” by the Blood of Jesus and implying they could be saved.

Guest Interview: Pastor Brian Zahnd, author of “Radical Forgiveness” to discuss true Biblical forgiveness.

Open Line Topic: Taking calls regarding the Pope’s comments on atheists, doing good and redemption.

8 thoughts on “Bob Dutko Show Notes/Links – Thursday 05 – 23 – 13

  1. Terry


    Back to the Pope’s sermon from 22 May.

    If you go through his comments as reported, and I did, there is nothing in Pope Francis’s remarks about the possibility of atheists being saved that is not in keeping with the document Dominus Iesus.

    In a nutshell, Francis was not talking about non-Catholics or non-Christians. He was not talking about those who profess another religion with their own mediators. He was not talking about those who pray to other gods. He was talking about atheists.

    Moreover, Francis was clear that whatever graces are offered to atheists (such that they may be saved) are from Christ. He was clear that salvation is only through Christ’s Sacrifice. In other words, he is not suggesting – and I think some are taking it this way – that you can be saved, get to heaven, without Christ.

    So, have a care with these sermons. It is great to get pithy lines from the Holy Father about something that is crystal clear such as, say, the Devil. It is another when the pithy quip veers into something that is more difficult to untangle. It is best not to jump to negative conclusions based on the incomplete reports about fervorini of ambiguous magisterial authority.

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