Is it just me or what regarding Al Gore and Al Jazeera? I mean, Glenn Beck offered to buy Al Gore’s Current TV network but Gore refused to sell it to him because, as the Wall Street Journal reports, Gore said “we are sensitive to networks not aligned with our point of view”.

So, Gore refused to sell to someone with views like Glenn Beck, but DID sell to Al Jazeera, the radical Muslim network out of Qatar, which by the way, is only one of the worlds largest exporters of oil. What kind of “Inconvenient Truth” did that present for Al “the environmentalist” Gore? Apparently none.

Al Jazeera has a long history of anti-American propaganda, pro-Islamic radical propaganda, even ran a documentary sympathetic to Osama Bin Laden. And now, they will have access to 60 million Americans homes thanks to Al Gore’s willingness to sell them his TV Network.

By the way, Gore profited $100 million dollars on the deal and even the left wing New York Times reported that he tried very hard to bet the deal closed before the end of the year so he could avoid the 2013 tax increases on Capital Gains.

Guess he didn’t want to pay his “fair share” like a good liberal.

I’m not saying he shouldn’t have been allowed to make the deal with Al Jazeera. After all, this is America and he has that right. But I would be troubled with ANY American businessman who saw nothing wrong with making $100 million to sell his network to an anti-American, pro-terrorism propaganda arm of the Middle East to give them a foothold on American television…….let alone a former Vice President of the United States!

I guess Al Gore sees nothing wrong with that, but at least he DID protect Americans from the opinions of Glenn Beck and got his 30 pieces of silver.

Your thoughts?


  1. bill ferrans

    The hyporocy is more than my mind can comprehend.
    I’m really glad God knows.
    Without him I would be in panic mode.

  2. Judith Warren-Wright

    It’s a shameful disgrace to our nation when a former VP stoops to the bowels of the enemy for financial gains. Talk about opening up the gates of hell!. Gore not only opened them, he granted front row for further destruction and manipulation of Americans. I remember history telling us of another Benedict Arnold. Gore has stooped to an all time low.God forgive him, but how can this even be allowed in America?

  3. Chipper Connin

    Apparently he considers Glen Beck’s opinions more dangerous to what his idea of America should be than he does radical islam’s. We certainly live in interresting times.

  4. Laura Weymers

    I agree with your entire take on this. Pamela Gellar had on her blog a letter she signed along with a host of others written to Michael McCaul a chairman on the Committee on Homeland Security which shows how unsafe this deal will be for America. They are hoping to take this to the Congress and attempt to block Al Jazeera acquiring the network due to the probability of home grown jihad it will incite. I’m not sure that will actually stop the deal…..probably not. I think it is just another step in what I now believe to be the one world government and religion that will be here during the tribulation. We as Christians need to really be telling others about Jesus……before it is against the law in the U.S. to do it publicly. With the “Arab Spring” all over the place and Christians being martyred for their faith in Christ, it is only a matter of time. Especially with our own president attempting to enact executive orders to amend our constitutional rights.

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