Hey folks. Here’s all the links to everything I talked about on the show today.
I have them all listed below.
Hey folks. Here’s all the links to everything I talked about on the show today.
I have them all listed below.
Hey folks, just a quick comment.
Is this the ultimate irony or what? Obama’s new gun initiative has a taxpayer price tag of $500 million. He says it is necessary to spend this $500 million to “save the lives of children”. The Obama administration budget for last year paid Planned Parenthood $500 million. So much for “saving the lives of children”.
Hey folks. Here’s my show prep notes from today’s show with links to all the stories about the stuff I talked about. I hope you all understand that these are not going to be in the order I discussed them in.
As I asked yesterday, please let me know if giving you these resource links helps you or is an unnecessary waste of time. Thanks. Here they are:
Many conservatives are afraid to lambast Colin Powell because, well….he’s Colin Powell, the military hero and distinguished statesman. But his words on NBC’s Meet the Press this past Sunday were no different than Al Sharpton’s, Chris Matthews’ or any other race baiting liberal hack and it’s time he be called on it.
I have tremendous respect for Powell’s service to this country, but I have zero respect for his Continue reading
Hey folks. I’m considering a new feature on this blog and this is my experiment, to TRY (emphasis on “try”) to post here, everyday, a list of the links to the various news stories I referenced throughout the entire show that day, so you can all see my sources.
I would also post the names of my guests with the titles of their books as well as the open line topic I did along with the link to the news story that prompted that topic.
Here’s an example of what I’m talking about. This is a list of all the various Continue reading
Think about the list of things liberals find “offensive”. Racism, sexism, greed, corporate profiteering, gay slurs, intolerance, big oil, carbon footprints, being accused of anti-Americanism, and the list goes on. But the evidence proves liberals are less offended by these things than they are conservatism, if even offended at all.
Let’s look at the facts.
Is it just me or what regarding Al Gore and Al Jazeera? I mean, Glenn Beck offered to buy Al Gore’s Current TV network but Gore refused to sell it to him because, as the Wall Street Journal reports, Gore said “we are sensitive to networks not aligned with our point of view”.
So, Gore refused to sell to someone with views like Glenn Beck, but DID sell to Al Jazeera, the radical Muslim network out of Qatar, which by the way, is only one of the worlds largest exporters of oil. What kind of “Inconvenient Truth” did that present for Al “the environmentalist” Gore? Apparently none.
A lot of Conservatives (myself included) are pretty frustrated with weak-kneed Republicans in Congress caving in to Obama and the Democrats on the “Fiscal Cliff” deal, but there are some inconvenient truths that causes part of me to wonder if I’m wrong. Continue reading
I went to see the movie version of Les Miserables, and I’ve just got to rant about something. (This is a friendly rant, with a smile. I’m not actually upset in the slightest, so don’t bother telling me how I need to “calm down” or “quit being so stressed over this”, because I’m not, trust me.)
Anywhooo, here’s my rant.